Pathways » WJHS Pathways

WJHS Pathways

West Jordan High School Pathways Program


                     West Jordan High Career Pathways at a Glance


A Pathway is earned by completing (3) elective classes (these classes are beyond what is required for graduation) and a senior project.  Projects are designed by the student and should be a minimum of 20 hours.  Most of these projects focus on further experience in the school or community, either in skill building or service learning.

  • Students may complete more than one pathway.  
  • You must be on track for graduation and have grades of C or above in your pathway classes. 
  • Successful completion of a pathway results in receiving a cord to wear at graduation.
  • You can earn an enhanced diploma, by earning a pathway cord and taking (2) more elective classes in your area of focus.

Suggested Areas of Focus

Suggested Electives

Career & Technical





*Computer Tech


*Early Childhood Ed








Any elective CTE class or Tech Center course beyond those required for graduation.  See course catalog for offerings.

Health and Recreation 


*Health Occupations


* Recreation

P. E. electives

Science electives

Health Science programs at JATC

Psychology/Child Development

Nutrition 2 Marketing

Liberal Arts 






*Literary Arts       



*Foreign Language

*Social Science

Electives in your chosen area of focus beyond those required for graduation.  See course catalog for offerings.

Math & Science 






*Medical Science

*Physical Science


Math and/or Science courses all four years, math & science electives as outlined in the course catalog.

What is Pathways?

The Pathways Program is designed to give students extended experience in their chosen area(s) of focus by concentrating on elective classes that are of interest to them or that will help them explore various careers. By completing the Program, students can earn cords (1 cord awarded per individual pathway) to wear at graduation and also an enhanced diploma. It's also a way to get the most out of your experience here at West Jordan High.
   Career Pathway Cords
(1 awarded per pathway)
  • Health and Recreation  Red Cord
  • Liberal Arts            Purple Cord
  • Science & Math      Green Cord
  • Career & Technology Orange Cord
Key Due Dates:
  • Application - Dec. 1st
  • Proposal – Jan. 1st
  • Project and Reflection Completed – April 1st
  • Portfolio Submitted – April 15th
  • Photo emailed to Mrs. Roberts – April 15th
  • 2023Trifold/Evidence May 1st
Benefits of Pathways
  • Receive a pathway cord(s) for graduation
  • Earn an enhanced diploma
  • Exposure in field of interest (Is this the career you want?)
  • More experience when looking to get hired
  • Connections and networking
  • Looks great on college applications, enhances portfolios for careers.  
  • Opportunities to share your talent with your community
Mrs. Roberts, Coordinator 
Room E-31